Inspirational Logos

I found examples online from various online graphic design sites that will design any logo you may need. I like these logos because they are simple and clean.




Inspire Yourself: 50+ Beautiful and Creative Logo Designs

fashion-logo (28)

Badges Earned

I earned Jaclyn Templeton’s Giving Tree badge. It was fun and challenging and I really enjoyed working on the creation. Thank you Jaclyn.

The Giving Tree Badge


I also created and earned the cartoon badge from Regina Thompson. I decided to change up the tree I used for The Giving Tree badge and then added the frog as the cartoon with a gradient applied to the frog, his crown and the background. I had fun working and creating the frog cartoon. Thank you Regina.


cartoon badge

Vimeo Awesome Tutorials

This creation in illustrator reminded me of my teen years with the type of design that is created.

While searching on Vimeo for awesome tutorials I found this video because of the creative design using Photoshop. I realize that both of these videos are created by the same person. I like the work he does. His work is vibrant and surreal.